Air Force Historical Foundation
American Cadet Alliance
American Historical Association
Arbeitskreis Militärgeschichte e.V. (Military History Study Group)
Offers a forum for information and communication to all those interested in the historical aspects of war and the military from antiquity to the twenty-first century. Site contains both German and English versions.
Army-technology.com brings you up-to-date international news and features on the defence industry, covering military projects, trends, products, services and more in the army sector.
Association 1914-1918
A French organization devoted to the Great War. Web site is in French.
Austrian Society for Military History
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Company of Military Historians
Council on America's Military Past
Focuses on historic preservation and military biography, publishes the Journal on America's Military Past and Headquarters Heliogram.
De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History
The Environment and Military Network - an international project to gather and promote scholarship on the history of the relationship between armed forces and the environment.
History Associates - In addition to historical research, archival services, exhibit planning and records management, we are often a valuable resource for writers and researchers requiring assistance locating historical data or information.
The Historical Society
Humanities and Social Sciences Online: Book reviews, e-mail lists, discussion networks. Lists that will be of particular interest to SMH members include H-War (Military History), H-CivWar (U.S. Civil War History) and H-Minerva (Women in War and Women and the Military).
League of World War I Aviation Historians
Marine Corps Heritage Foundation
Deeply involved in the support and development of the National Museum of the Marine Corps. In order to successfully accomplish these two worthwhile tasks, the Heritage Foundation relies on donations and revenue generated from its museum business operations, which includes the Museum Store, Tun Tavern, Mess Hall, rifle range simulator and special events.
Military Historical Society of Massachusetts
Minerva Center
Devoted to the study of women and the military.
National Coalition for History
A Washington, D.C.-based non-profit educational organization providing leadership in history-related advocacy, serving as the profession's national voice, and acting as a clearinghouse of news and information.
National Remember Our Troops Campaign
Naval-technology.com brings you up-to-date international news and features on technology in the defence industry, covering projects, trends, products, services and more in the naval sector.
New York Military Affairs Symposium
In addition to hundreds of book reviews, there are now 50+ 90 minute audio podcast lectures in military history and affairs at http://nymas.org/podcasts.html that ought to be of interest to many SMH members.
North American Society for Oceanic History
Organization of American Historians
Pike and Shot Society
An international organization that promotes interest in the warfare of the Early Modern Period.
Scottish-American Military Society
The Society was founded as a veterans organization. The membership is composed primarily of veterans of Scottish ancestry who have served - or are serving - in the Armed Forces of the United States and the Commonwealth.
The Scottish Military Historical Society
Signal Corps Association Reenactors' Division
The Society of Ancient Military Historians
Society for History in the Federal Government
Society for Women and the Civil War
United States Commission on Military History
Provides historical information on USCMH and the International Commission as well as membership information. Site will be developing as a portal for military history.
Veterans Affairs Canada
Information on Canadian military history.
Victorian Military Society
Promotes the study of military history of all nations and races in the period 1837 to 1914.
Western Front Association
The WFA seeks to maintain interest in the period 1914-1918, and to perpetuate the memory, courage and comradeship of those on all sides who served their countries in France and Flanders and their own countries during the Great War.
Wisconsin Veterans Museum
The purpose of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum is to commemorate, acknowledge, and affirm the role of Wisconsin veterans in America’s military past by means of instructive exhibits and other educational programs.
World Archaeological Society
Directed by SMH member Ron Miller, and occasionally carrying items of interest to military historians.
WWII Historical Reenactment Society
The WW II Historical Reenactment Society is dedicated to keeping World War Two history alive and in the public eye and to honor the veterans as well as preserving World War Two artifacts.