Supplemental Call for Papers

Following the successful use of the model format by the AHA for late breaking and urgent topics, the SMH invites panel and roundtable submissions for a limited number of sessions that place contemporary military and strategic events—including but not limited to conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, Gaza, and Sudan;  tensions in the Pacific; the impact of changing political administrations on civil-military relations; and the use of emerging technologies in warfare -- within the context of military history. We will only accept full panel and roundtable submissions for consideration (not individual submissions) for these additional panels with a late-breaking nature to contribute to our understanding of complex issues.

The deadline for submissions will be January 27th at 11:59 CST. 

Please submit your full proposals in one PDF document to

Submissions should include:
  • Session title (of no more than 20 words)
  • Session abstract (up to 500 words)
  • Short session abstract for the meeting app (up to 50 words)
  • Panel and roundtable titles 
  • Abstract or description for each presentation on the panel (up to 300 words); not required for roundtable submissions
  • Biographical paragraph or CV summary (up to 250 words) for each participant
  • Correct e-mail address for each participant
  • Affiliation, city, state, and country for each participant
Acceptances will be sent out by February 1st and accepted participants should be prepared to make short notice travel plans.
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