Archives/Museums/Online Records
The 10th and 20th Forestry Engineers of World War I
During World War I, two U.S. Army Regiments of forestry engineers worked in France to provide the Allied forces with the large amount of timber necessary for the war effort. Those making up these regiments came from forest ranger, logging, and sawmill jobs throughout the U.S., and served their country in France by providing work crucial to the eventual success of the Allied forces in Europe. This project uses primary source materials and historical essays from various collections to provide information on the 10th and 20th Engineers during World War I.
376th Heavy Bombardment Group Oral Histories
Includes audio and video oral histories with veterans serving in the 376th Heavy Bombardment Group during World War II.
Aerial Reconnaissance Archives
Created by The Aerial Reconnaissance Archives (TARA) at Keele University. Their aim is to make the aerial reconnaissance photographs, deposited by the UK Ministry of Defence at TARA, accessible via the internet. For the first time you can access 5.5 million photographs taken over occupied Western Europe, by the Allies during World War II. Work is continuing to make millions more photographs taken throughout the world during World War II and later conflicts, accessible."
Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC) History Office
Provides historical information and related services to the Commander and Staff of ASC. The office prepares annual histories, monographs, and special studies relating to ASC and its subordinate units, including the 88th Air Base Wing. The History Office also maintains a research collection of historical materials which is available for official researchers (Air Force, Department of Defense, and their contractors).
Air Force History Index
This site provides fully searchable access to an index of more than 550,000 military history documents relating to United States Air Force, its predecessors, and related topics. This represents more than 70 million pages of unit histories, special studies, personal papers, end-of-tour reports, oral histories, interview transcripts, and more. The index contains documents ranging from the turn of the 20th Century until January 2001.
Air University Research Web
1,700 research papers on national security issues, "Special Collection" of eight professional publication series produced by the Air University Press, and a Topics Database with suggestions for student or faculty research from the Air Staff, AF MAJCOMs, and unified commands.
Ancestry.com Military Records
Anzac History: World War I Letters From Gallipoli and France
One family’s letters.
Archives of Ontario
- Archives of Ontario Remembers Our Canadian War Heroes
- Archives of Ontario Remembers the Home Front
- War of 1812
Army Historical Foundation
Dedicated to the preserving the history and heritage of the American Soldier.
Army Records Society - (UK)
The Army Records Society publishes documents relating to the military history of Britain.
Art of the First World War
The Art of War
Provides free access to an online exhibition containing a collection of several hundred digital images of Second World War posters, prints, caricatures, cartoons and art works held by the British National Archives. Also accessible are clips from war time documentaries and government sponsored information films. They include important examples of British Ministry of Information propaganda materials as well as commentary on the homefront and conditions in the Second World War. The site may be browsed by artist, theme or resource type.
Australia's Vietnam War - Exploring the combat actions of the 1st Australian Task Force
This website is the product of over twenty years of research. It provides unprecedented access to information on nearly all 1 ATF ground combat actions Australians fought in during the Vietnam War, numbering over 4,500.
Avalon Project at Yale Law School: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
Several collections within this project contain military-related documents
Ben Kaplow Letters
Ben Kaplow served as a messenger-cryptographer during WWII in the US 3rd ARMY, 26th Infantry Division, (Yankee Division) 104th Regiment. The site contains over 200 letters that he wrote home from basic training and from the battlefield to his parents, brother, and sisters, including scans of each letter, a typed transcription, and an audio reading of each one.
British Library
- Newspapers--British Military History Collections: 1801-1945
British National Army Museum
Canada Remembers
Contains contents of the Canadian Books of Remembrance.
Canada's Digital Collections
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Archives: Conflict and War
Canadian Letters & Images Project
An online archive of the Canadian war experience, from any war, as told through the letters and images of Canadians themselves.
Canadian Military Heritage Project
Free searchable genealogy databases for each war and rebellion Canada has been involved in.
Canadian Virtual War Memorial
Canadian War Museum
Canadian War Poster Collection
From McGill University's digital library.
Canadian Wartime Experience
This site is maintained by the University of Manitoba. It provides free access to a collection of several thousand digitized primary source materials: such as documents, newspaper articles, letters, photographs and prints relating to the experience of Canada and Canadians during various wars from 1899-1970s.
Cantigny First Division Foundation
Cantigny First Division Oral History Project
Center for American War Letters Archives at Chapman University
The Center for American War Letters Archives actively preserves and promotes the research of original correspondence and other materials from all American conflicts; from the American War for Independence through the present day. This includes letters, postcards, V-Mail and email, or any other medium upon which correspondence was kept, as well as supplementary materials including photographs, ephemera, or realia sent to or from American service members, their families, and all those involved in American conflicts at home or abroad. Also found in the collection are materials not sent but collected during wartime; including journals and diaries, newspaper clippings and scrapbooks, as well as alternate forms of media including audio and video recording.
Center for the Study of the Korean War
Center for the Study of War & Society at the University of Tennessee
Holdings include an ongoing oral history project with veterans from World War II through Operation Desert Storm.
Centre d'études d'histoire de la défense (French Defense Ministry)
Churchill Archives Centre
Home to the papers of Sir Winston Churchill and to over 570 collections of personal papers and archives documenting the history of the Churchill era and after.
Conflict Records Research Center
The Conflict Records Research Center (CRRC) was established to fulfill the Secretary of Defense’s intent to enable research into captured records with “complete openness and rigid adherence to academic freedom and integrity.” The CRRC’s mission is to facilitate the use of captured records to support research, both within and outside the government. CRRC holdings are broken into two categories: al Qaeda and Associated Movements (AQAM), and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq (SH).
Cornelius Ryan Collection of World War II Papers
Correspondence, documents, photographs, diaries, accounts, manuscripts, audio tapes, interviews, journal articles, screenplays, scrapbooks, memorabilia, and books detailing Ryan's career as a journalist and author of the books The Longest Day, The Last Battle, and A Bridge Too Far. Housed at Ohio University.
Crafted Knowledge Historical Military Archives
Provides databases that emphasize museum, library and archival related content.
- americanbattlegraves.com
- andersonvillepowcamp.com
- armycasualties.info
- usfallenwarriors.com
- vietnamwarcasualties.org
- vietnamwarhonors.com
- ww2enlistment.org
- ww2pow.info
- japanesepow.info
- japaneserelocation.org
- koreanwarcasualties.org
- koreanwarpow.org
Czech Legion
Documents the story of the Czech Legion in Revolutionary Russia.
Digital Military Newspaper Library
These newspapers represent Naval and Air Force bases from many geographical regions around the state of Florida and will include Kennedy Space Center, a submarine base at King’s Bay Georgia, the Panama Canal Zone, and two newspapers in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
First Division Museum at Cantigny - Includes a digitized collection of the 1st Infantry Division’s WW2 battle documents.
5th Army Mobile Radio Station
This website contains a scrapbook put together by a First Lieutenant in the United States Army during World War II who was assigned to head up the 5th Army Mobile Radio Station in Italy. The scrapbook consists of newspaper clippings, photographs, autographs, and other memorabilia from the radio station and his adventures during the war.
The Freedom Museum
The museum's prime purpose is to honor veterans and fallen comrades of recent wars, concentrating on the American twentieth century, to include all armed forces and supporting arms and organizations (the USO, Civil Air Patrol, Merchant Marine, WASPS, Nurse Corps, to name a few), as well as vital Home Front efforts. Exhibits include photographs, artifacts, and models depicting America's military in action during the twentieth century. Special exhibits are set up for dates such as: D-Day, VJ-Day, and others accompanied by visiting aircraft, speakers, and demonstrations.
German Historical Museum
- The First World War 1914-1918: Reality and Remembrance
- Der Erste Weltkrieg
- Der Zweite Weltkrieg
George C. Marshall Museum
German Military History Research Institute
Provides electronic copies of thousands of interesting Federal Government documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. One page in particular is dedicated to Department of Defense documents: http://www.governmentattic.org/DocumentsDoD.html
Histoire et Memoire des Deux Guerres Mondiales
History and Museums Division of Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
HyperWar: A Hypertext History of the Second World War
Primary materials about the Second World War
Imperial War Museum
Juno Beach Centre
The Juno Beach Centre presents the war effort made by all Canadians, civilian and military alike, both at home and on the various fronts during the Second World War, as well as the manifold faces of contemporary Canadian society.
Killroy Was Here
Memories and photographs from WWII and the Korean War. An Official Partner of the Veterans
History Project, in cooperation with the Library of Congress and the American Folklife Center.
Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation
This new database from the Smithsonian's Lemelson Center will guide researchers on where to find invention-related documents and collections. The MIND (Modern Inventors Documentation) database identifies the invention-related holdings of hundreds of archives across the United States and is the nation's first database devoted exclusively to such documents.
Letters from World War One and Two
Primary source website dedicated to databasing as much mail from soldiers of world war one and two as possible and making them freely available online. Site contains hundreds of letters, envelopes, stamps, photos and miscellanous items.
Letters to Home: Military Letters Written During War
Library and Archives Canada: War and Military
Library of Congress
Library catalog, legislative information, American Memory Project.
- From the Home Front and the Front Lines
- Military Affairs
- Military Battles and Campaigns
- Newspaper Pictorials: WWI Rotogravures
- World War II Military Situation Maps
Mayo Memorial Peace Park
This website is dedicated to honour the memory of all those from County Mayo, Ireland, who served and died in all wars worldwide and conflicts of the past century
The Memory Hole: Listing of Classified and Restricted Documents at the Air Force Historical Research Agency
Musee de l'Armee
National Archives - UK
Researcher information, publications.
- American War of Independence
- First World War
- Trafalgar to Korea: Five British Battles, 1805-1951
- Military History
- The Art of War
- The Cold War
- The Great War 1914-1918
National Archives - US
Finding aids, publications, researcher information.
- Military Resources
- Powers of Persuasion: Poster Art from World War II (also includes downloadable audio and video files)
- Research in Military Records
- Captured German Sound Recordings
National Museum of the Civil Air Patrol
National Security Archive
An independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
- The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of Primary Sources
National World War II Museum Digital Collections - https://www.ww2online.org/
- includes 20K photographs and around 500 oral histories from WWII.
- https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/institute-study-war-and-democracy - The new research core of the National WWII Museum, where we post 5 new pieces on World War II each week, as well as having a number of excellent speakers who can be watched remotely for free.
NATO Defense College: Research Aids and Resources
New York State Military Museum & Veterans Research Center
Orders of Battle Database
The Orders of Battle website is an online database of military units in World War II. Using this database, the user can view information on military units of all sizes including Army Groups, Armies, Corps, Divisions, Brigades, Regiments and Battalions for the Armies of the British Commonwealth, United States of America, Germany and other major powers in the Second World War and the men who commanded them.
Pixpast.com - Sharing Our Photographic Past
Military photo forum, primarily 20th century. Especially strong for World War II.
The Poster War - Allied Propaganda Art of the First World War
From the Provincial Museum of Alberta.
Pritzker Military Library
The Mission of the Pritzker Military Library is to acquire and maintain a collection of materials and develop appropriate programs focusing on the concept of the Citizen Soldier as an essential element for the preservation of democracy. The collection features over 20,000 reference, biographical and rare books with military themes, over five hundred posters and prints, and other military artifacts from the private collection of COL (IL) James N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Ret.).
Recent Dissertations in the Medical Humanities
Provides access to recent doctoral dissertations worldwide on a variety of social science history topics, including the history of military medicine.
Indexes Continental and British army orderly books from the Revolutionary War.
Royal Air Force Museum
Royal Naval Museum
Soldiers of the Queen
A virtual museum of Victorian-era British military photographs.
Songs of the First World War
Contains selected recordings from the National Library of Canada's collection of 78-rpm discs
U.S. Air Force Historical Research Library
Bibliographies of historical studies, finding aids to personal papers, researcher information.
U.S. Army Combat Studies Institute
A military history 'think tank' which produces timely and relevant military history research publications and contemporary operational history for the U.S. Army.
U.S. Army Engineer School - History Office
Houses over 17,000 manuals, 21,000 photos, 800 videos and tapes, and two million pages of documents on engineer equipment, soldiers and operations.
U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center
U.S. Army Center of Military History
Library catalog, texts of publications, finding aids, information about Army history.
U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library
Oral histories, publications, historic manuals, and other primary and secondary military history sources
U.S. Army Military History Institute
Databases concerning manuscript collections and photographs.
U.S. Marine Corps Small Wars Manual (1940 edition)
U.S. Naval Postgraduate School: Internet Resources for Military Maps
United States Military Academy
- Combatting Terrorism Center at West Point
- United States Military Academy Map Library
U.S. Naval Historical Center
Library catalog, finding aids, information regarding Navy history.
Vietnam Center and Archive at Texas Tech University
The Vietnam Center and Archive at Texas Tech University collects and preserves the documentary record of the Vietnam War, and supports and encourages research and education regarding all aspects of the American Vietnam Experience.
VI Corps Combat Engineers
This is a collection of archival documents, photographs, and interviews with veterans of several combat engineer units.
War Artists from the First World War
From the Archives of Ontario
War Diaries of the First World War
From the National Archives of Canada
This database contains the digitised War Diaries of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) units.
War Relics
Images, primarily from WWII.
Wisconsin Veterans Museum
The WVM presents a cross section of the American military and veteran experience by presenting all conflicts, branches, and units focused through the lens of the Badger State. Thus researchers can access the collections of a Civil War Army sergeant, a World War I Marine, a Vietnam War sailor, and an airman from Operation Enduring Freedom during the same visit. Collections include more than 2,500 linear feet of manuscripts and photographs, an 18,000 title military history library, over 1,400 oral history interviews, as well as newsletters, posters, and prints.
World War I Document Archive
World War II Tributes
The tributes on this site detail the stories and journey of one families relatives during World War II.