Announcements and Events

The Wisconsin Veterans Museum has a research grant opportunity that will be of interest to SMH members. Full details at Application deadline is April 15.

Calling all graduate students, postdocs, and early career scholars studying World War II!

Join the Second World War Research Group North America (SWWRGNA) for a Zoom panel of early career scholars studying various aspects and methodologies of the Global Second World War for advice on research, writing, teaching, the job market, the future of the field, and Q & A. Hosted by Elizabeth Gardner (Kings College London) and Zane Whitney (Kansas State University), SWWRGNA graduate fellows. Featuring Ruth Lawlor (Cornell University), Vojin Majstorovic (University of North Texas), Natalie Mendoza (University of Colorado Boulder), Nicholas Wheeler (Royal Military College of Canada), and Cameron Zinsou (US Army Command and General Staff College). The panel is followed by a networking social for graduate students in the field. All are welcome!

12 February 2025 @ 7pm Eastern

Registration here:

More information:

Jadwiga Biskupska, SWWRGNA co-director
Jacob Stoil, SWWRGNA assistant director

The University of Tennessee will hold a symposium on the military history of the Declaration of Independence at the UTK Baker Center on March 1, 2025. Nine scholars from universities around the country will come to Knoxville to present their original research, and SMH stalwart Dr. Ricardo A. Herrera will give a keynote address.

Full details about the symposium can be found at

The symposium is generously sponsored by the Center for the Study of Tennesseans and War, the Department of History, the Baker School of Public Policy and Public Affairs, the East Tennessee History Center, and the Society for Military History.

John A. Adams ’71 Center for Military History & Strategic Analysis

The John A. Adams ’71 Center for Military History & Strategic Analysis at the Virginia Military Institute will award a $5,000 grant to a graduate student in history or a related field working on a doctoral dissertation in Cold War military history, broadly defined. The award promotes innovative scholarship on Cold War topics (for a list of past recipients/projects, see below). The Adams Center invites proposals in all subject areas—including international security affairs, military history, and strategic analysis. All periods of Cold War history are welcome. The prize is made possible through the generous support of John A. Adams and George J. Collins, Jr.

To be considered, graduate students must submit a brief proposal (prospectus) describing their doctoral research, a project timeline, and a curriculum vitae with a list of references. Applications should be delivered, electronically, to the Adams Center at by 4:00 p.m. Eastern, Friday, March 14, 2025.

Deadline for submissions: March 14, 2025

Send submissions to:

Questions? Contact:
Joel C. Christenson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Director, John A. Adams ’71 Center for Military History & Strategic Analysis
Virginia Military Institute
Lexington, VA 24450

The Edwin Mellen Press We are looking to increase our current pool of authors at The Edwin Mellen Press in the discipline of Military related studies. We are a non-subsidy academic publisher of scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences. Our sole criterion for publication is that a manuscript makes a contribution to scholarship. We publish monographs, critical editions, collections, translations, revisionist studies, constructive essays, bibliographies, dictionaries, reference guides and dissertations.

Mellen Press has published over 10,000 works in numerous disciplines, including military subjects of a scholarly nature. We publish 300 scholarly works a year. We offer recognition awards (for superior scholarship), royalties, authors maintain copyright, peer reviews and we have a world wide distribution network of libraries and direct sales. For submissions we are looking for scholarly works on a wide variety of Military issues and topics.
Please tell us about your work by emailing us at Including your phone number will also be helpful. We will get back to you in 7 business days or less. For more information, please contact: Edwin. Mellen Press Philip Viverito/ Editor/Direct

Project CHECO: The Air Force Experience in Vietnam" ( seeks to textually digitize a semi-curated collection of documents held at the Air Force archive. It also supports research into the correlation between demographics and crowdsourcing effectiveness.

The Air Force created Project CHECO (Contemporary Historical Examination of Current Operations) in 1962 to analyze issues of immediate concern to various echelons of the service. Over the course of fifteen years, authors completed more than 250 reports on topics that included special operations, conventional air operations, rules of engagement, training, air base defense, and many others. Arguably, the Project CHECO reports represent the single-most comprehensive collection of Air Force-produced documents detailing its activities in the Vietnam War. The vast majority of these have been declassified and approved for public release, and only the publicly-available studies are being used for this project.

For the volunteer, this is a trifecta of opportunities: A chance to learn about U.S. Air Force history in Southeast Asia from the perspective of the service itself; contribute to digital history through the textual digitization of a portion of the USAF archive (similar to efforts by NARA, LOC, and the Smithsonian); and, last but not least, help me gather data for my dissertation!

The process is simple:
1. Fill out a demographic form (individual identities will not be associated with performance)
2. Review some directions for the site.
3. Correct or transcribe a document from the Air Force archive.
4. Take a survey.

THAT'S IT! If you have any questions, please contact me at Thanks, Dave

Joint Force Quarterly seeks history submissions for its “Recall” Section
Joint Force Quarterly, published by the National Defense University Press, is looking for articles of 2,500 - 5,000 words or less for its Recall section.  Recall focuses on historical issues often of contemporary relevance to the joint force.   JFQ is the Chairman's joint military and security studies journal designed to inform and educate national security professionals on joint and integrated operations; whole of government contributions to national security policy and strategy; homeland security; and developments in training and joint military education to better equip America's military and security apparatus to meet tomorrow's challenges while protecting freedom today.  Instructions for submission of articles is at:  Any questions can be sent to

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