Book Reviews
Submitting Books for Review
Publishers or authors may mail review copies of recently published books to the following address. However, the decision to review a specific book is at the sole discretion of the book review editor.
Book Review Editor
The Journal of Military History
George C. Marshall Library
340 VMI Parade
Virginia Military Institute
Lexington, VA 24450
Becoming a Book Reviewer
The Journal's editorial staff does not accept unsolicited book reviews. Should you wish to be considered as a reviewer, however, please click on the button below and fill out the linked form.
Publishers or authors may mail review copies of recently published books to the following address. However, the decision to review a specific book is at the sole discretion of the book review editor.
Book Review Editor
The Journal of Military History
George C. Marshall Library
340 VMI Parade
Virginia Military Institute
Lexington, VA 24450
Becoming a Book Reviewer
The Journal's editorial staff does not accept unsolicited book reviews. Should you wish to be considered as a reviewer, however, please click on the button below and fill out the linked form.