Texas Christian University

Degrees Offered:
MA and PhD
Point of Contact:
William Meier, Chair
Department of History
TCU Box 297260
Texas Christian University
Fort Worth, Texas 76129

Military History Faculty
Gene A. Smith (PhD, Auburn University, 1991)
- American Revolution
- War of 1812
- American Naval History
Kara Dixon Vuic (PhD, Indiana University, 2006)
- U.S. War & Society
- Women
- Gender
- 20th Century
Steven E. Woodworth (PhD, Rice University, 1987)
- U.S. Civil War
Peter Worthing (PhD, University of Hawaii, 1995)
- Modern China
- Vietnam War
Aaron Navarro (PhD, Harvard University, 2004)
- Latin American war and society

Updated 3/19

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