Welcome to the Society for Military History

Established in 1933 as the American Military History Foundation, renamed in 1939 the American Military Institute, and renamed again in 1990 the Society for Military History, the Society is devoted to stimulating and advancing the study of military history. Its membership (today more than 3200) has included many of the world's most prominent scholars, soldiers, and citizens interested in military history.

Following the successful use of the model format by the AHA for late breaking and urgent topics, the SMH invites panel and roundtable submissions for a limited number of sessions that place contemporary military and strategic events—including but not limited to conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, Gaza, and Sudan;  tensions in the Pacific; the impact of changing political administrations on civil-military relations; and the use of emerging technologies in warfare -- within the context of military history. Click here for full information.

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Organizations and entities interested in advertising on the Society’s main page page can find relevant information here.

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