East Carolina University
Department Web Site:
Degrees Offered:
MA in History
MA in Maritime Studies
MA in Maritime Studies
Point of Contact:
Dr. Chris Oakley
Department of History
Brewster Building A-315m MS 554
East Carolina University
1000 E. Fifth Street
Greenville, NC 27858
Department of History
Brewster Building A-315m MS 554
East Carolina University
1000 E. Fifth Street
Greenville, NC 27858
Military History Faculty
Wade Dudley (PhD, University of Alabama)
- American History
- Naval History
- North Carolina History
- Military History
- American History
- Naval History
- North Carolina History
- Military History
Jennifer McKinnon (PhD, Florida State University)
- Spanish colonial archaeology
- Archaeology and history of the U.S. Life-Saving Service
- Conflict archaeology of WWII in the Pacific
- Landscape and seascape archaeology
- In situ conservation and preservation
- Community Archaeology
- Spanish colonial archaeology
- Archaeology and history of the U.S. Life-Saving Service
- Conflict archaeology of WWII in the Pacific
- Landscape and seascape archaeology
- In situ conservation and preservation
- Community Archaeology
Mike Palmer (PhD, Temple University)
- American History
- Military History
- Naval History
- American History
- Military History
- Naval History
Gerald Prokopowicz (PhD, Harvard University)
- Public History
- The American Civil War
- Public History
- The American Civil War
Nathan Richards (PhD, Flinders University)
East Carolina University has two major libraries, Joyner Library on main campus and Laupus Library on the medical campus. Both libraries have extensive secondary source material as well as primary source material. Joyner Library's Special Collections holds rare archival and collection material that is ideal for MA students to use while working on their MA thesis.
Added 12/18