University of Birmingham, UK

Degrees Offered:
MA, MPhil and PhD
Point of Contact:
Air Commodore (ret'd) Dr Peter Gray
War Studies
School of History and Cultures
Arts Building
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT
+44 (0)121 41 43983

Military History Faculty
Air Commodore (ret'd) Dr Peter Gray (PhD, University of Birmingham, 2010)
- Air Power
- Leadership and Ethics
Professor Gary Sheffield (PhD, King's College London, 1994)
- Britain in the two world wars
- The British Army
Dr Michael Snape (PhD, University of Birmingham, 1994)
- Religion and war in Britain and the US
Dr Jonathan Boff (PhD, King's College London, 2010)
- First and Second World Wars
- Naval History
Dr Sadiah Qureshi (PhD, University of Cambridge, 2005)
- Race, Empire and Science especially interethnic conflict in settler societies
Additional Information:
The Centre runs MAs in British First World War Studies, British Second World War Studies and Air Power History, Theory and Practice.

Updated 10/11

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